Thursday, 25 August 2022

Allotment Costs for year 2022-2023

Costs for growing starting October 2022/2023

The costs per m2 for this year are:

  • Standard charge 36p/m2
  • Concessions 28p/m2
  • Water charge 11p/m2

The cost of a standard rate 125m2 plot is £58.75.

A concessionary rate 125m2 plot is £48.75

  • The Standard charge has increase 2p/m2 from last growing year 
  • The Concession charge has increased 1p/m2 from last growing year
  • The Water charge has increased by 2p/m2 from last growing year
idverde have informed me that all Invoices will all be sent out via Royal Mail this year in Early September 2022 and that payment is due from the first October 2022 or as soon as you have received your invoice. 
Warnings and Guidance 
1) idverde have once again changed their bank details and the new details will be provided on the invoice, so please do not pay to last years bank details. 
2) When you pay please use the invoice number/ reference as the transaction reference. It's no good using a reference  "Payment for plot 12", otherwise Jane has to look at all the allotment sites for plot 12 and try to match the payee to the person renting the plot, which is not always possible!
It's also no good using a reference for the transaction as "Mums plot" or "Dads plot" as you may not have the same surname name as the person renting the plot, and again it would take time to try and tie up the payment with the actual plot. 
3) If you don't receive an invoice by the 1st October this year phone Jane Hardy at idverde on 020 3876 8806 option 5 and let her know. If it has got lost in the post, she can send another or email you a copy. 
4) Reminders will be sent out in November for those that have not paid 
5) Termination notices will be sent out to plot holders who have not paid by December. 
6) Vacant plots will be offered to those on the waiting list from January 2023  

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