Figures from Idverde for the Vacant plots as of 13th October 2017 and waiting List figures supplied on the 19th October 2017 these do not include existing tenants that are after particular normally adjacent plots if they ever become free.
Bear in mind that there will be more vacant plots as a result of those that don't renew their tenancy this year. This list will be updated once the invoicing period is over and it is known how many people have not renewed their tenancy
No Waiting Vacant
Plots List Plots Allotment Name
15 04 02 Beddington Park
135 26 05 Belmont
172 10 08 Benhill
101 17 20 Buckland Way
26 07 0 Bushy Meadow
112 16 06 Bute Road
55 05 03 Bute Road Orchard
12 29 0 Central Road
34 09 0 Chaucer Road
21 08 01 Cheam Court
61 17 02 Cheam Park Nursery
19 10 06 Cheam Park Paddock
5 01 01 Clensham Lane
24 09 01 Culvers Avenue
278 12 41 Demesne Road
35 05 02 Duke Street
6 07 0 Forge Lane
23 01 0 Fryston Avenue
217 19 13 Gander Green Lane
63 09 02 Goose Green
106 21 04 Green Wrythe Lane
20 04 0 Lavender Road
21 4 0 Mill Green
57 10 08 Perretts Field
6 19 0 Priory Crescent
2 07 0 Pylbrook Triangle
58 05 09 Ridge Road
106 10 14 Roundshaw
57 11 01 Spencer Road
276 14 04 Stanley Road
15 39 0 The Warren
32 04 06 Wandle Road
12 01 01 Wandle Side
27 02 02 Watson Avenue
171 24 18 Westmead Road
14 07 0 Wrights Row
138 Plots in total
Idverde are working on conjunction with the LBS Allotment Site Rep Association to recruit site reps on allotments that don't currently have representation on the Sutton Allotments Group.
Where there are Site Reps Kay Mankerty of Idverde is putting those waiting for a plot in touch with the Site Rep so that they can arrange to meet with the site rep to view the plot and decide if they would like to take it on.
Kay Mankerty can be contacted via email using or using her direct line telephone number which is 0203 876 8812
Annual allotment invoices
for 2017/2018 that covers the period from 01/10/2017 to 30/09/2018 have
been sent to plot holders via email, if email addresses have been provided by
the plot holder when completing the agreement documentation.
Bills are based upon Current rates per square metre of Basic=£0.310,
Concession=£0.232, Water =£0.064. Plot Holders have
30 days to pay their invoice from the day sent whether sent via e-mail or
post. Reminders
after 30 days will be sent electronically and by post.
Not all plot holders are aware that Idverde Limited are the managing agents for
the London Borough of Suttons allotments, and that payment is now to be made to
them and not the London Borough of Sutton. As a result some plotholders have
asked if these email invoices are genuine or not. In future years the invoice
will also contain the London Borough of Sutton Logo.
LBS Allotment Site Rep Assoc. members have requested a notice informing plot
holders about them taking over allotment management which Idverde have created
and site reps can place on the allotment noticeboard(s)
There is no longer an on line facility to pay your ground rent, however the
invoice provides all the information you
require to pay via internet banking or telephone banking. There are also
options to pay via telephone or by sending in a cheque. The Invoice Number is
at the top of the page on the invoice and has not been repeated with all the
bank details, despite there being a field for it, hopefully this will be
corrected next year.
Please note that you can no longer pay in person at the Denmark Road council
Paper invoices can be requested from Kay Mankerty
and her direct email address is or her direct line telephone number is
020 3876
Next year
Idverde wants to move to a predominantly e-mail based invoicing procedure,
purely because it’s faster and cheaper. That's only going to happen if they
contact everyone on the database and enquire if they have an email address and
want to receive their invoice electronically.