Friday 19 July 2024

Waiting List & Vacant Plots as of the 19th July 2024

Updated figures from Jane our idverde allotment officer, following a number of no-cult notices and termination notices for unworked plots. With the amount of people we have on the waiting list unworked plots are not being tolerated as they once were, and if tenants don't take action within the 28 day from the date of the notice, they are being given termination notices.

Thursday 14 March 2024

March 2024 Waiting List & Vacant Plot Update

This is a snapshot in time based on information provided by idverde as of the second week in March 2024, and was out of date moments after the information was provided. This year a record amount of people gave up their allotments.  

Site reps & committees on Belmont, Cheam Court, Green Wrythe Lane, Roundshaw, Stanley Road, Westmead Road, & Wrights Row Allotments have plans to show all the vacant plots to people on the waiting lists that have been contacted and have shown an interest in the next couple of weeks. So hopefully by the next gardening Group meeting these allotments will be fully tenanted.

Jane is also contacting people on the waiting list for all the other allotment sites and is still finding that many people that jumped on the waiting list during the pandemic are no longer interested in having a plot, because the pandemic is over and they don't have the time or need somewhere they were allowed to visit during the pandemic anymore. 

On some sites where the site rep is ill or there isn't a site rep Jane is meeting prospective tenants and showing them the plots. 

Jane is chasing the Council for a date for the next Gardening Group meeting and for the promised information that has not been forthcoming from the London Borough of Sutton.

Friday 26 May 2023

Allotment Site Rep Meeting 26 May 2023

Venue - Salvation Army Sutton 

Council officers and Idverde attendees

Mark Dalzell, Head of Parks & Open Spaces, LBS 
Adam Brind , Contract Officer Park, LBS 
Sarah Fowler, Contract Officer Park, LBS 
Ian Wolstencroft, Contract Officer Park, LBS 
Jane Hardy, Service Administrator ‑ Allotments Idverde 
Phil Quirke Contract Supervisor Idverde 
Richard Kelly, Commercial Manager, Idverde 


1. Idverde Feedback 
2. Maintenance Issues 
3. Waiting List & Vacant Plots 
4. Site Inspections 
5. Idverde Feedback 
6. Any Other business (AOB) 

1. Idverde Feedback 

All invoices done. Postal Strike caused problems with some people receiving them Inspections now being done, Most Sites Fully occupied, remainder vacant plots to be filled shortly. Please let Jane know if you want inspections doing 

Westmead still has some vacant plots JH looking at each site and will advise shortly 

Roundshaw hasn't had anyone viewing the two vacant plots 

2. Maintenance Issues 

Mill Green

Neighbouring property at 1 Parchment Close has a retaining wall that is “failing”. This needs to be reported to the developers “Redrow” by the homeowner. The new estate is approx 600mm higher than allotment. Oxyacetylene gas tank needs clearing - Idverde to remove A skip was discussed for this, Idverde will try and arrange but not guaranteed LBS cannot fund clearance unless money made available to bring new plots into use Branches need clearing near drop off/ pick up area Requested any wood chip from shredding for use on the site 

Beddington Allotment 

Wall Damaged - The removed bricks are piled up on a nearby plot. Parks can arrange further removal of any loose bricks. Funding would be needed to repair the wall The site has had a recent clearance 

Demesne Road 

Grass mowing has been excellent. 2 Plots being left for some reason, can they be added to the mowing to prevent them becoming overgrown. Adamto speak to Thames Water about Plot 10 and find out what the issue is. Plot 10 also to be cut by Idverde. 

Plot 104A has a lot of rubbish on it 

LBS can do very little if people refuse to remove it. Court order expensive 
LBS can write to the allotment association for advice. 

Deposit system suggested, so that Council holds money if the plot was left in poor condition. However this is difficult to administer and it is often years later that tenants move on. They may not be able to find their receipt etc. 

Water pressure poor on site 
Action - Contact SES Water 


Some plot holders bringing inappropriate items on the site inc wash hand basins and WC’s Site rep to speak to plot holder, if they ignore site rep, let Idverde know who will the write to the potholder informing them to remove the items.

Perrets Field 

Near plot 7 Footpath overgrownPlot holders have cut back large branches which need clearing Action - LBS to speak to Tree Team to arrange for contractor to remove Roundshaw Tap Issue - No water Plot 13 

Action - arrange a repair 

Belmont Allotment 

Repairs took a long time to be completed at this site problem with suitable contractors 

3. Waiting List & Vacant Plots 

Some sites for eg GGL Benhill have over 70 on waiting list 
Some sites none 
Stanley Road - holding open weekend 
Currently people can choose up to 3 sites to be on waiting list 
Most sites are full. 

AW could add current list of number waiting at each site to the Hub

Suggested to be able to choose 2 sites rather than 3. This was agreed at the meeting 

MD advised LBS trying to create more plots, looking at possible funding to enable LBS to do this

4. Site Inspections 

JH doing some at some sites , Site Reps doing inspections at some sites 

Site reps can Take a photo and send it to JH and then another picture 28 days after non cult 

JH - Idverde trying to work with problematic tenants rather than them leaving behind an unworkable plot which is difficult to then let. Remember site reps can use the buddy system to help get a more independent view. 

5. Invoices 

Works really well all sent by post. No major issues. 

6. Any Other business (AOB) 

Benhill - large shed being built, ie larger than 6 x 8 foot shed size, so in breach of regulation guidelines. JH can write to tenant to dismantle 

MD - The council has environmental enforcement who can get involved if same plot holders are constantly having bonfires and outside of the months allowed. Barbecues where more than 10 people are attending would be calseed an event.

Mill Green - Polytunnels not covered in guidelines 

Roundshaw - Getting large amounts of polytunnels on the site 

Perrets Field - Path between two sections of the allotment bottom of fence, there is a large sycamore which needs tree officers to check 
Plot 34 add gate. 
Bid for Local Funding/ Neighbourhood Fund 

Bute Road - Problem with trees growing on alleyway 
Idverde edging up boundary at end of season 
Action - Please let LBS know of any tree issues and problems so they can be checked 

Westmead - More cars coming on site, parking on grass area 
Possible options notices saying no parking, fencing off an area to prevent parking 
Central Road Plot holders have been digging trenches to get soil. 
Composters are on site so no need to do this. Add info to notice board 

Roundshaw - Notice board perspex gone cloudy 
Replacement perspex could be funded by local funding (public realm), link added to end of minutes. SF advised that recent quotes for this type of work show cost to replace is about £600. 

Mill Green - Problem with combination lock in certain weathers

Belmont - Damaged double gates. These are not main gates and not really used 
Gates swing out into Cotswold Road 
Inspect and repair or permanently close off 

Rent Increase 

The rent increase is as follows: Charge for plot the cost goes up from 36p to 40p per sq metre Concessions - cost goes up from 28 p to 32p per sq metre 

Water increases from 11p to 13p per m 

That means a 5 Rod Plot (125 sq m) would cost £66.25 full price, £56.25 concession 

Allotment Revenue Monies 

Plot holders asked where the income from allotments goes and general feeling they should get more for what they pay. The income is not ring-fenced to allotments. However the service provides grass and hedge cutting, repairs including replacing padlocks, fence/ gate repairs, plumbing repairs for water leaks taps, ball valve replacement, turning the supply on and off in spring and autumn and ensuring supply damaged by frost are checked and fixed. 

The money also covers officer time for both Idverde & LBS. 

We cannot provide a full breakdown on every specific costing, but can provide some further info once this has been accumulated. 

Some useful links for grant funding 

Local funding Google Form here 
LBS web Page here 
Neighbourhood Fund Form here 
Neighbourhood Fund web page here

Friday 18 November 2022

Sutton Allotment Group Meeting


The council officers from the London Borough of Sutton, Idverde who manage parks cemeteries and allotments for the borough and the site reps from the allotment sites have not had a formal meeting since 2019 due to covid, so it was nice to finally get together again around a table yesterday.

The number of site reps attending the meeting was smaller than in previous years, this could be because there were less items to bring up and moan about as Jane Hardy since taking over the role of Allotment Services Administrator for idverde has been so, professional, accessible & helpful and basically 150% better than her predecessor.

Since Jane took on the role there have been very little complaints about the service that idverde has been providing, in fact, we all ended up giving her a round of applause after one site rep thanked her for all her help resolving problems on her particular site, and we all wanted to show our appreciation for the level of service she has provided.     

Jane advised us that 2,246 Invoices were sent out by post on the 6th October and after 30 days there were still 469 people who have not paid for their plots. These individuals have been sent reminders and if they don't pay by the end of November, they will be receiving confirmation of the termination of their lease with LBS. Jane is aiming to draw a line under the invoicing by January 2023 and will provide site reps with a final list of vacant plots and start sending out requests to visit to those on the waiting lists. 

Site reps have been provided with a list of plots following the meeting where the current plot holders have not paid, so that if they see or know the individual, they can remind them or see if there is a problem. How proactive each site rep is on this matter is up to the individual site rep. 

Unfortunately, there are always individuals who just decide they will not renew and don't bother to inform anyone and thus a plot can remain empty gathering weeds until the reminder, termination notice have been served and three months have taken place since the invoices were sent out. 

As at the 18th November there are 1308 people on the waiting list and in January 2023 those at the top of the waiting list will be invited to arrange a meeting with the site representative from their selected allotment to view what plots have become available.

The 1308 figure is a snapshot in time, as there are a number of applications for allotments that have not yet been processed and are not on the database as Jane has been busy sorting out Winter maintenance and the invoicing process.

The figure for Unlettable Plots one the spreadsheet jane sent following the meeting was 154 which is inflated because Stanley Park has a huge amount of plot that are allocated for growing lavender and the quoted figure of 67 plots is more realistically 3 or 4 making the figure for Unlettable plots more in the region of 91 - 92. In financial terms that's a loss of income to the London Borough of Sutton could be anything from £8,000 - £10,692 depending on the size and mix of the Unlettable plots. 

Maintenance issues such as Fencing, Security, Padlocks, Grass Cutting, Hedge Maintenace, Water Supply and Plot Clearance were in the agenda and discussed. 

Trees although not on the agenda, come up again. Trees on allotment sites is a matter that needs greater discussion and sorting out at a future meeting, and it was proposed that more and better guidance needs to be incorporated into the Allotment Guidebook, but again this was not discussed at length and no decisions were voted upon or decisions be made due to lack of time to discuss. 

The pat answer from Mark Dalzell of asking "the council to come and look at the trees" was given, and it was pointed out to him that even when the trees were diseased, that nothing would be done until they became a health and safety problem as the usual answer that "Sutton does not cut down healthy trees and they don't have the money/ budget to deal with the problem" would be given following that visit.   

This raised a request re more open book accounting should be in place as Allotment owners are stakeholders of the service and our rents are taken into the Authority as revenue monies, but no funding to deal with specific allotment items are budgeted for or funding sourced from our allotment specific revenue, and the blanket excuse of "we don't have money to deal with that" is given and just expected to be accepted!, and quite frankly that's getting old and someone needs to fight for the budget to be found from revenue from the rents we pay. 

As always LBS had not booked the room for long enough to allow for all subjects to be discussed and dealt with and there were a number of items that had been requested to be added to the agenda that were not discussed. I'm aware that LBS intended to discuss the significant increase in rents next year, and the requirements for organising nature & gardening clubs on allotments has been requested from Jane from a number of allotments and she wanted that and other items to be added under any other business, that there was not time for.

Everything was then rushed and there was not really time to go around the table for any other business and there was not a formal vote as to if the next meeting should be in six months or 12 in months' time, although one or two of the more vocal site reps expressed their opinion.

Personally, I believe that a meeting should be held early next year, to deal with the information re the proposed increase in the rents, unused plot/ and tree clearances, and the creation of a budget from our revenue to deal with allotment specific problems and other items that did not get the time to be discussed.   

Site Reps, in light of the increase in rents next year and other items that you may have requested be added to the agenda and were not discussed please, let Jane know your views on when the next meeting should be on the agenda, as she will be taking up the no formal vote or decision on the date for the next meeting with Mark Dalzell shortly.  

Thursday 25 August 2022

Allotment Costs for year 2022-2023

Costs for growing starting October 2022/2023

The costs per m2 for this year are:

  • Standard charge 36p/m2
  • Concessions 28p/m2
  • Water charge 11p/m2

The cost of a standard rate 125m2 plot is £58.75.

A concessionary rate 125m2 plot is £48.75

  • The Standard charge has increase 2p/m2 from last growing year 
  • The Concession charge has increased 1p/m2 from last growing year
  • The Water charge has increased by 2p/m2 from last growing year
idverde have informed me that all Invoices will all be sent out via Royal Mail this year in Early September 2022 and that payment is due from the first October 2022 or as soon as you have received your invoice. 
Warnings and Guidance 
1) idverde have once again changed their bank details and the new details will be provided on the invoice, so please do not pay to last years bank details. 
2) When you pay please use the invoice number/ reference as the transaction reference. It's no good using a reference  "Payment for plot 12", otherwise Jane has to look at all the allotment sites for plot 12 and try to match the payee to the person renting the plot, which is not always possible!
It's also no good using a reference for the transaction as "Mums plot" or "Dads plot" as you may not have the same surname name as the person renting the plot, and again it would take time to try and tie up the payment with the actual plot. 
3) If you don't receive an invoice by the 1st October this year phone Jane Hardy at idverde on 020 3876 8806 option 5 and let her know. If it has got lost in the post, she can send another or email you a copy. 
4) Reminders will be sent out in November for those that have not paid 
5) Termination notices will be sent out to plot holders who have not paid by December. 
6) Vacant plots will be offered to those on the waiting list from January 2023  

Wednesday 16 February 2022

Allotment Gardeners Guidelines Version 8 October 2021

Sutton Council updated the Allotment Guidelines in October 2021 with no input or consultation from any of the site reps or as a result of the Annual Meeting that we have not had for two years despite requesting a virtual Zoom or Teams meeting.

It now appears that the updated guide has been removed from the council web site as in a rebuild they are not allowed to upload Adobe pdf files.

Sounds like a poor excuse to me, so the link to the new version has been added on this web site.

Tuesday 20 October 2020

Welcome Jane

Now that Ramona is on maternity leave Jane Hardy is taking over looking after Allotments for Sutton & Merton.

Jane has been dropped in the deep end after the computer company that built the new database screwed up the invoicing system so please, cut Jane a bit of slack.  

Jane works 9am to 4pm Monday to Wednesday only, so if you send in an email please allow for the missing days when waiting for a reply. 

Best email to use for Jane is still   

Idverde Logo

Jane Hardy | Services Administrator
Regional Office: Cheam Park Depot Tudor Close SM3 8QS
UK Support Centre: Octavia House, Westwood Way, Coventry, CV4 8JP
Office: +44 (0) 2038 768806  |  
Idverde WebsiteIdverde FacebookIdverde LinkedInIdverde TwitterIdverde Instagram